
Journal Guidelines

Submission Guidelines and Review Process

The paper is first screened by the Editor for plagiarism and suitability to the journal. Papers having more than 10% plagiarism are desk rejected by the editorial board. Only qualified papers are sent to the reviewers. The journal will be a double-blind review, which means that both the reviewer and author identities are concealed from the reviewers, and vice versa, throughout the review process. Authors are therefore advised to prepare their manuscripts according to the journal's guidelines. We invite submissions from academics, researchers, and professionals in alignment with the following guidelines:

  1. Title Page: Title of the paper, author(s) details, and affiliations.
  2. Main Text: Introduction, Methodology, Results, Discussion, and Conclusion.
  3. References: Follow the APA citation style as specified for your discipline.
  4. Conflict of Interest
  5. Acknowledgement
  6. Funding Information
  7. Supplementary Material (if any)

Formatting Requirements

  1. Manuscripts must be written in clear, concise English or Hindi language and adhere to the journal’s prescribed formatting style.
  2. Use Times New Roman font, on A-4 Size paper typed in 1.5 space, in 12-point size with at least 1” margin on both sides.
  3. Include an abstract of 250-300 words, followed by 4-6 keywords.
  4. Submit manuscripts in Microsoft Word or LaTeX format via the journal's official email only. Emails sent directly to editors will not be entertained.
  5. Every manuscript should contain the cover letter, which includes the corresponding author’s full address and telephone/fax numbers and should be uploaded at due places, with the file.
  6. Word Limit: Submissions must be between 4000 and 6000 words and must not exceed 6000 words.
  7. Manuscripts must be accompanied by an authorization letter addressed to the Chief Editor, confirming consent for publication after the editorial process.
  8. Quotation marks: Always use single quotation marks for dialogue and quoted material in the text. Reserve the use of double quotation marks for quotes within quotes.
  9. Spellings: Use British spellings, such as ‘colour’ instead of ‘color’ and ‘labour’ instead of ‘labor’. Use ‘-ise’ endings instead of ‘-ize’; for example, ‘specialise’ instead of ‘specialize’ and ‘finalise’ instead of ‘finalize’.
  10. Dates: Use ‘19th century’ not ‘nineteenth century’. Decades should be cited as 1980s, 1860s and so on. Specific dates should be written as 12 August 1978.
  11. Abbreviations: The abbreviation for a term must be provided in parentheses after the term's first mention only. Thereafter, the abbreviation may be used consistently throughout the text. Acronyms will not have periods (e.g., NATO, UNESCO, LTTE, IPKF). However, abbreviations of English words, such as ‘Prof.’, ‘ed.’, and ‘approx.’, will include a period at the end. Contracted words, like ‘eds’, ‘Mr’, and ‘Dr’, will not have a period.
  12. Figures: All visuals should be numbered by the author/editor according to the chapter number. So, the first visual in Chapter 2 will be 2.1, and thereafter 2.2, 2.3, and so on.
  13. Tables: All tables should be numbered by the author/editor according to the chapter number. So, the first table in Chapter 2 will be 2.1, and thereafter 2.2, 2.3, and so on.
  14. Permissions: All copyrighted material — photographs, extracts, and articles (even if they are by the author) published elsewhere earlier — require clearance from original copyright holders in writing, and it is the author’s responsibility to ensure that all copyrighted material is cleared for publication before the handing over of the manuscript to us. The author should provide all necessary documentation (letters of permission: printed copies or e-mails) to the publisher. Text extracts over 400 words; ALL photographs, maps and illustrative material will need copyright permission. Attribution to the original source may not suffice.
  15. The font size of text in tables must not exceed 12 points, with single spacing. Footnotes should be avoided unless absolutely necessary.
  16. Authors must ensure their manuscript is original and passes a plagiarism check. The plagiarism report will also have to be attached/uploaded with the manuscript submission.
  17. Copyright of all accepted papers for publication and use in any form, in text or image, other electronic format or such other format or such other media as may now exist or hereafter be discovered will vest with the ‘Shivraj 350: Multidisciplinary Journal’, Shivaji College, University of Delhi. Permission to make a digital hardcopy of published work may be granted without fee for personal or classroom use. All maps must comply with Government of India guidelines and policies.