
New Advisory Committee

a) Chairman - Prof. Virender Bhardwaj, Principal, Shivaji College
b) DBT Representative - 1. Dr Garima Gupta, Program Head
2. Dr. Abhishek Kumar Mehta, Program Officer
c) External Expert - 1. Prof. Yogendra Singh, Dept. of Zoology, DU
2. Prof. Girdhar Pandey, Dept. of Plant Molecular Biology, DU
d) Faculty members - Department of Biochemistry
1. . Dr. Jayita Thakur, SCS Convener,
2. Dr. Sunita Singh, SCS Co-convener
3. Dr. Usha Yadav, SCS Co-convener
Department of Botany
4. Dr. Anuradha Mal, SCS Convener
5. Prof. Pratima Rani Sardar, SCS Co-convener
6. Dr. Divya Mohanty, SCS Co-convener
Department of Chemistry
7. Dr. P. K. Sahu, SCS Convener
8. Dr. Nand Gopal Giri, SCS Co-convener
9. Dr. Richa Arora, SCS Co-convener
10. Dr. Deepika Yadav, SCS Convener
11. Ms. Nimita Kant, SCS Co-convener
12. Ms. Ankita Dua, SCS Co-convener
13. Ms. Jeetender Kumar Chaudhary SCS Co-convener
All other faculty members of the departments of Biochemistry, Botany, Chemistry, Zoology, Shivaji College
e) Coordinator - Dr. Renu Baweja, SCS, Shivaji College